Rapid onset flooding usually causes the greatest damage due to the lack of time to deploy the more traditional type of manually operated floodgates and "demountable" systems, typically stored off site, and requiring human intervention. The SCFB overcomes all the issues associated with these older- generation flood defenses and has the considerable advantage of not requiring any intervention during a flood warning, which would otherwise put lives at risk.

24/7 Flood protection

Rapid onset flooding usually causes the greatest damage due to the lack of time to deploy. The SCFB™ overcomes all the issues associated with these manually operated flood defends systems, and has the considerable advantage of not requiring any intervention during a flood warning.

No Manpower

Training people and testing barriers request a lot of manpower and for every job there must be at least two reserve which must also be trained. The SCFB request no manpower and for testing the barrier few people are required.

Short closing time

Because of the short closing time the barrier will only comes up when there is a flood situation. No unnecessary falls deployment is needed. So the area remains accessible until the last moment.

No warning system

The SCFB™ is not energy driven and operates without any human intervention and gives 24/7 a full 100% protection. Even when there is a power outage the SCFB™ will raises instantly though the rising water level.

No storage

In resting position the SCFB™ is invisible and fully self-protected at the location in the ground. No storage elsewhere and transport is needed in case of testing or a flood situation.

(C) My Company


(C) My Company

Cost analysis of flood barriers